7 reasons why you MUST have your own info product

Think about this: What is the number one reason people get online everyday? You probably already guessed that it’s to find information. This is so ubiquitous a quest that Google handles 400 million queries a day! OK, so what’s it to you? Well, this is an opportunity for your to provide what people want – information. And if you do it right . . . to make some money along the way.

What is info marketing?

First, understand that this is the simplest kind of business there is. You develop a product that is nothing more than information. And people pay you for the information inside it.. Pretty simple, wouldn’t you say?

How does it work?

You’ve got the basic concept – exchange info for money. In order to be successful there has to be value in the info you’re selling. So step one is to discover what kind of info people want. How can you find out what people want?

One very simple method is to do a little research. Just go to Yahoo! answers or ask.com and see what kinds of questions people are asking. Your goal is to find a common problem. That people are having trouble solving. And provide the answer – in the form of an info product.

An encouraging word

Don’t worry! Info product creation is easy… Put it this way: An info product is just a bunch of articles strung together. Don’t try to write a whole ebook. Just write some articles for your blog. And when you have a collection, expand and embellish them and combine them into a single ebook.

Why info products? Interestingly enough, we’re back to the name of this article How about 7 reasons why:

1. Ease

As soon as you have the pieces in place, it’s virtually maintenance free. There is almost no support. Which means there nothing for you to actually *do*. It really is like and automatic money machine.

You don’t have any inventory. You don’t have to ship anything. Your business is 100% digital.

2. Product combos

Once you have a few info products created. You can combine them together to create new high ticket products. It’s very easy to package multiple ebooks together as one new one. Then you can sell it for a lot more. Your customers will gladly pay more for a single bigger ebook. Versus multiple smaller ones.

3. Resellers

When you own the product, you can sell resell rights to it. This is a very popular topic right now, because it’s much easier to get the resell right than to make your own product. And what’s more you’re selling the same product . . . but for 3 times the price for the rights!

4. Leverage

Leverage means doing something once and reaping multiple rewards. Break it apart and create a multi-part email series with it. You can use this to build a list that you can marketing to again and again.

5. More leverage

Don’t stop there . . . break it into several smaller reports. These reports can then become lead generators for your ebook. You can make these low cost or even free. And it still benefits you because it in a lead-in for the main product. Taking this technique to the max, you can let your affiliate give the reports away for you. Which brings us to…

6. Affiliates

This one is huge. Once you have your own product. Other people can become your affiliates. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a bunch of other people doing your marketing for you? You’ve got to have your own products to have affiliates.

7. Joint Ventures

I’ve saved the best for last. Setting up joint ventures is the fastest way to gain success. Period. So, I’d say this is the most important reason to have you own products. Without your own products, you can’t do JVs.

In closing

If you don’t want to sell digital products by now, then you haven’t been paying attention. You’ll be the master of your destiny. Because you’re 100% in control. So, decide to just start:

  • Go to answers.yahoo.com
  • Find out what people need to know
  • Start providing information

Information product development really is that simple. Before you know it, you’ll have your own info product.


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2 Responses to “7 reasons why you MUST have your own info product”

  1. Nicole says:

    As a web surfer I m immune to such decreased intelligence quotient comments , luckily so are you, good writing , fantabulous conclusion .

  2. CB products says:

    I’ve bookmarked, Dugg, and I joined the RSS subscription. Thanks!

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