Get indexed, get ranked, get traffic

No one can deny that you need traffic to your website in order to succeed online. And nothing beats free traffic. So where do we get free traffic? Google and other search engines.

How does Google give out free traffic?

The process works in a way that you have experienced many many times. You go to Google. Type in something you’re looking for. And then you visit one or more of the sites that show up. Well, the link you clicked on just send free traffic to that website owner. What need to figure out is how to get you free traffic.

You probably only visit a link or two from the first page of results. In fact, the first page of results receives almost all the free traffic. And what’s more, the first 3 get over 70% of the clicks.

So to get any significant amount of free traffic from Google, you really need to be on the first page. To do that, you need to be “ranked” in Google’s Top 10 results. And this bring us to…

What is search engine optimization?

Search Engine Optimization is a measure of how well Google and other search engines think your website matches the search terms people are typing into their search boxes. It’s a complex formula that only people working for Google know exactly. There are several factors that we do know.

Getting indexed

Before your website can begin gaining ranking, you have to alert Google to it’s existence. This is called getting “indexed.” This is when Google looks at your site and take notes about it, which are stored in their database.

Google needs to actually find your site in order to index it. Links from other sites are the easiest way to accomplish this. Google will actually follow the links on sites it already has indexed to find new sites and index them.

Twitter and Facebook updates are great places to put links to your site. Google visits these sites many times every day. And follows new links it finds immediately.

Gaining ranking

After this first hurdle, you need to start gaining ranking. Just getting indexed does you almost no good, considering that Google has billions of pages in their database.

The 3 factors in getting ranked:

  • Content
  • Links
  • Activity

Content strategies

This is also called on-page SEO. You need to make sure your content matches the search terms you’re going after. Clearly this article is about search engine optimization. One way Google figures this out is from the fact that it contains the term SEO. Another reason is because there are related words, like website traffic, too.

The title of the page, the domain name and other pages on your site are also important. Google uses all of this content to figure out what your site is really about.

Link strategy

Next, you need to pay attention to the links to and from your site. This includes both the inbound and outbound links. It’s very important that you have more links coming in than you have going out. And the more inbound links the better.

A very easy way to get a lot of links to your site is through article marketing. With this strategy what you do is write an article about the topic you’re targeting. You have to also write several different versions of your articles. And then upload a different versions to a bunch of sites that allow you to add content. The more sites you can do this for, the more links you’ll get back.

Make your site active

And lastly, it’s seems clear that Google expects important pages to be actively updated. You can’t just put up a page and leave it alone and expect it to rank well. So you need to update your pages often. You can do this with RSS feeds and news posts.

But the best way is with active discussions on your page itself. This means you need to get real live people to your site, as well. One simple method for doing this is to use forums.

Create profiles on lots of forums about your site’s topic. And post their often. Then put a link to your site in your profile. This generates even more links back to your site. And it also gets people to your web page.


Each step listed above is critical. However, writing a bunch of different articles on the same topic. And creating a bunch of forum profiles. And posting your articles and comments takes a lot of time. And you’re already too busy, so you mostly likely will never do any of it.

Fortunately, you can get rank builder software to do all the grunt work for you. So, use your time wisely and automated to tedious tasks. This way you’ll actually do it. By taking these steps you practically ensure you’ll get free traffic from Google.


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