Don’t Go Broke Trying to Build an Online Business

Trying to Buy Success

Are you a serial IM product buyer? Are you spending cash hand over fist in pursuit of an ideal approach to implement your business idea? Do you find yourself hitting the BUY NOW button day after day, believing that you’re about to find the missing link in your moneymaking chain?

If you’re spending a fortune on your business, you’re not the only one. Countless people find themselves buying the latest and greatest new systems.

And that’s totally understandable. It’s perfectly reasonable to purchase new products and information to refine your already-successful business. Investing in new materials to stay on top of a quickly developing industry is reasonable. Making those purchases before you have a profitable business is a different matter, though.

Buying new tools to stay ahead of the games is very different from desperately making purchases in hopes of finding base-level success.

You want to be the smart investor. You want to avoid being the serial buyer whose efforts only add to his or her debt.

Buying the Right Way

So, how do you avoid becoming the wrong kind of serial buyer? It starts by building a rock-solid foundation. If you strip away all of the details, tricks, options and creative new ideas from Internet marketing, it’s a simple proposition.

You must have a product you can sell. You must have a way to sell the product. You need to bring traffic to your the site you’ll use to make sales.

That’s really all there is to it. All of your efforts should relate to one of those basic needs.

So, you must work to create a strong presence on all three of those fronts. When you buy something, it must directly address one of those three foundational needs.

You need to build a solid foundation that will allow you to start making money online free before you begin worrying about the details. When you have a foundation in place, you will make money. Then you can start experimenting with new ideas and products.

How to Build Your Foundation

Getting the core of your business in place doesn’t require a massive investment. Here’s what you need to do.

  • Get a smart, big picture understanding of Internet marketing. You can get that kind of perspective from someone with successful IM experience.
  • Make traffic a top priority. Traffic is one of the three core needs mentioned above. It’s arguably the most important component. Without traffic, you can’t determine if your product is interesting or if you’re sales strategy is working. Absent traffic, you can’t determine if you have the right product or a workable sales strategy. You need to get people to your site as soon as possible.
  • Discover a continuing source of support and guidance. A smart ebook can be worth its weight in gold. A video can be invaluable. However, you’ll find more value in cultivating a good relationship with an experienced, successful IMer. Quality ongoing coaching makes the learning curve less steep and prevents you from wasting time, energy and resources on things you don’t need.
  • Don’t overexpose yourself. You want to meet your objectives without risking significant losses. Look for opportunities to secure the right information at a reasonable price. Look for a business coaching program or mentoring arrangement that doesn’t cost more than you can afford.


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