Affiliate Marketing Revised

You’re dead wrong if you think you know anything about being an affiliate. The simple truth is that the old rules no longer apply. And if you don’t change your tactics, you cannot survive.

You’ve been duped

You’ve been told it’s easy to get started as an affiliate. And it is – sort of. There’s no doubt it’s easier than starting your own business. But “easier” doesn’t mean “easy”.

The cold hard truth

The worst part is that the information you’ve received is all wrong. The first thing you’re taught is to pick some great products. Next do some keyword research. Then to use these keywords to buy ads promoting the product. And sit back and collect the profits. But it doesn’t work.

Forget keywords

There was a time when this worked. But the competition has shot the price of keywords through the roof. It’s time for a paradigm shift.

A better way

All is not lost. Here’s how to win at this game.

  • Start using CPA marketing
  • Instead of researching keywords, research demographics
  • Do image ad marketing

Get into CPA marketing

CPA stands for Cost Per Action. It’s much better than promoting a product. Because your visitor doesn’t have to buy anything. You get paid when they take an “action”. Entering their email into a form, for example. And it’s much easier to get them to do that.

Utilize demographics data

Don’t waste time researching keywords (see below). Invest your research time into demographics. First you select your CPA offer. Next, you go to And discover the exact demographics of your ideal prospect.

Use image ads

So you know what your promoting and you know who will be interested. You can target these exact demographics on display networks. And use images as your ads. And you don’t need to know or buy a single keyword. And you’ll save a fortune. Display networks charge a fraction for image ad clicks vs. keyword ads.

Summing it up

This is truly a quick cash concept. Because it’s free to get started in CPA. You can buy image ad clicks for a fraction of keyword ad clicks. You can use demographics to target your ideal prospect. And you get paid for having them take a simple action.


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