Traffic Generation Tips

If you’ve got traffic coming to your site, you’re 99% there. Of course you also need to have a valuable offer for your visitors – a reason for them to transact with you. After getting the traffic you just need to convert it into subscribers and customers . . . but that’s the easy part. The important thing is getting the traffic and sustaining it.

How, then do you get traffic to your site?

Here are a few of the most popular way to get traffic to your site – for free:

  • Web 2.0 Methods
  • Article Websites
  • Video

And here’s how to use each method…

Web 2.0 Methods

The term “Web 2.0″ is associated with websites that facilitate interactive information sharing and collaboration in a social media setting. These are great sites to work with because they allow you to participate in this content creation. Because these sites get so much traffic, Google and the other search engines treat these sites with greater importance in their algorithms. And that’s important to you because it means that Google and the other search engines treat links from these sites as more meaningful than links from other sites. So, if you place links to your own site inside your content, you get a search engine ranking benefit from those links. That’s the real benefit of adding content to this sites – search engine ranking means ongoing free traffic. There are many more web 2.0 traffic tactics we don’t have time to get into here, but this will get you started.

Article Websites

Article marketing really builds on the Web 2.0 concept. Article directories fall under the category of web 2.0 sites. Just like web 2.0 sites, article websites allow you to upload your own content – as articles. And because they are also considered authority sites by the search engines you get all the benefits of other web 2.0 sites just by putting your articles on them. But you also get the extra benefit of other users taking your article and putting it on their site. And because the terms of the directory say they have to include your “resource box” you get links back from all these other sites, too. Here are a couple article marketing traffic tips:

  • Do your keyword research
  • Write specifically to target these keywords
  • Be sure to link to your site on the keywords you’ve chosen. Do this inside the article itself and in your author’s bio.

Video Sites

The last of this group is video marketing. Here to we’re really looking at a web 2.0 sub-category. And just as article directories give you great SEO benefits and allow others to redistribute your content on their sites. video sharing sites give you all these same benefits. And in addition to this, because Google and the others love video so much, you can get listed for highly competitive keywords much more easily.

Here’s how to get free traffic using video

  • Set up your YouTube account
  • Turn off all the modules in your account profile
  • Add tags to your profile
  • Make sure to include in your profile a link to your site
  • Add at least one video to your profile
  • For each video use your keywords in the tags, the descriptions and the title

In closing…

If you take action on the items listed here you’ll have free traffic in no time.


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