Affiliate Marketing Secrets

Affiliate Marketing Secrets

One of the easiest and fastest way to make money online is through affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing means that all you do is send hits to someone Else’s website, they handle the sales, support and billing, and you earn at least a 50% commission

Here’s just a few benefits

  1. You can get started right away because you don’t have to make a product, write the sales page, develop the website, develop marketing materials, or do support, billing and maintenance.
  2. There’s zero time investment on your part because they handle the billing, support, maintenance, etc.
  3. There’s no risk for you, because the product owner has already made sure the product sells. So you know that your traffic will result in sales.

Looking at these benefits, it’s clear that affiliate marketing is the way to go!

The downside is…

You work hard to send the traffic to the product owner’s website, but once you do that you will never see those visitors again. Unfortunately, the majority of those visitors (at least 90%) will not buy on their first visit. And of the 10% or less that do buy, the product owner will be able to sell to them again, but you will not.

Is there are way around this?

Simply put, you need to capture the name and email of your visitors *before* sending them to the product sales page. This way you can follow up with them and keep sending them back to the sales page to increase your chances of making the sale. And if you want to do it like a pro, you’ll give them some great content before sending them to the sales page.

Here’s what these affiliate marketing strategies will do for you:

  1. By building your own list, you’re creating a renewable resource that you can tap again and again for instant profits.
  2. By providing great content without a sales pitch, you put them in a buying mood. So when you do send them to the product website, they’re much more likely to buy.

Here’s what you’ll need to create affiliate tools like this:

  1. A Video Squeeze Page (with video)
  2. Several high-quality content pages
  3. A multi-part email series with at least 5 emails in it

You’ll use the squeeze page as the place to send your visitors instead of using the product website. Your squeeze page adds your visitors to you auto responder. This is how you start building your list, and at the same time begin sending them useful information. After subscribing them to your email list, it redirects them to your content mini-site.

You content mini-site builds the good will, so that when you send them to the product sales page, they are in a buying mood. And even if they don’t buy on the first visit, your email series sends them back to the product sales page again and again to increase your sales.

Putting all of these pieces together will increase your sales by 500% or more, so it’s obviously worth the time and energy to do it. And after you get it all set up, it runs on total auto-pilot. You just refer people to your lead capture page, instead of the product sales page.

If you don’t have the time or expertise to set it all up yourself, you can use something like Millionaire Society. With a service like that, you don’t have to do anything. They make the video, build the squeeze page, write the email series, develop the content mini-site, etc. And then just give you a finished package. The benefit is that it’s much less expensive then you could do it yourself, and it’s instantly set up. The drawback is that you won’t be the only one using these affiliate tools. But the internet is huge, so this shouldn’t really affect you.

Another way to accomplish this is to hire “outsourcers” through a website like Elance to build and put your system together for you. The important thing is that you start using affiliate tools like the ones described here right now! Otherwise, you’re wasting your time and money.


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